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  • 英語學習周記

    時間:2018-02-07 17:04:28來源:<推薦訪問:實習周記


    reading: finish reading a novel

    after reading, i will write down all the strage words

    writing: write a diary every day

    memorizing: remember words of vocabulary 10000, do an english exercise.


    each afternoon, reading a novel about twenty pages which is named the seventh key and writing a compositiong using all the new words which i meet in the novel. each evening ,write a diary what happen the whole day and then telling what i think about this matter.

    listening to the english materials such as cet-6 in the evening of tuesday and thursday from 7 o’clock to 9 o’clock.

    remember 30 words in vocabulary 10000 in the morning at the dorm.

    doing a set of cet-6 exercise every evening after writtinh a diary.


    i think my plan is not very good but just arranged reasonally. in fact, i find it difficult yo finish my plan. not only because we have not such much time everyday, but also because i, peasonally, have not great willpower. i think i will try my best to finish my plan.





    2. 依依明顯開口講英語要多一些了,在家里除了唱“apple”“good morning”的兒歌外,還會主動說“i love you,mum”這樣的句子。

    3. 本周我開始學《我的第一本親子英文書》,也就是利用早上刷牙洗臉的時間我來聽一遍,和晨曦英語交替著聽,本周聽了第一章,依爸也很不錯,也開始用聽到的一些英語用語早上來叫賴床的依依起床“yiyi,its time to get up!”,呵呵,想著早上這個情景真是挺好玩的。計劃每周學一章節吧,把節奏盡量放慢一些。

    4. 晨曦英語現在依依已經開始了第二本,本周也就聽了3次,依依還是對這套書中的英文兒歌感興趣,對第二本的“put finger”這首已經開始自己哼唱了。

    5. 今后晚上的童書共讀還是以《機靈狗》那一套為主了,每周聽1-2次晨曦,因為機靈狗的故事比較多,更能吸引孩子興趣一些,這兩個月計劃就機靈狗和晨曦交替著來聽來學了。

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